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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • I couldn´t solve this problem by myself, the error was with woocommerce and klarna payment plugin. I asked help and this is the report I got from the coder: I am investigating an issue with the BeTheme Muffin Builder editor in a WooCommerce store wi…
  • Ok, thank you. Yes, the migrate Tool was allready installed on the website, and no, I did not replace it. I will now contact my hosting service if they can help me with the cache issue. Thank you for your help!
  • EDIT: I have now done changing URLs many times with the plugin, but It still doesn´t change all of them. I have no idea why. I think I have to update manually rest of the pages. And when I go to any page with disappeared BG image, it doesn´t give an…
  • Now when I look at the site, I can see that the backgrounds are kind of randomly missing. Some are still not visible when others are there. It´s weird. Oh, now I see that there are still wrong URLs in the missing images. I will try to change them …
  • Hi again! I did this above. I changed URLs with mfn CB migrate tool and then cleared the cache, but still background images are not visible. Unless I go to the page and update it, then they comes visible. But there are hundreds of portfolio pages on…
  • Thank you! I will do this
  • Yes, I have cleared the cache many times. It didn´t help.