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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Which do I trust - the php function (your screenshot), or the cPanel data (my screenshot)? PS.  In English, it's more polite/ less offensive to say that someone's data "are incorrect", or "appear to be incorrect", than it is to …
  • Turns out I had turned off the "Builder | Visibility" under Appearance - Be Theme Options - Advanced - Layout - Builder | Visibility. As per some of my other comments/ feedback:  Improving your documentation would reduce user frustration …
  • My account was "limited" two days ago, but yesterday (shortly before my OP), I upgraded my service.  In It's 18 hours later, and the problem remains, i.e. the account limitation, if it was the original issue, should well and truly have res…
  • Like most of your users - we're novice website builders, not PHP database experts - I didn't know how to do that.  I found the instructions here: http://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/website/php/create-phpinfo-page-to-see-php-settings. I cropp…
  • 1) Please add a “Feedback” page/ link to at least your User Guide.  I stumbled across this page, but there should be a link to it. 2) Neither the BeTheme Options in WordPress nor the User Guide provide much information to the absolute begin…
  • I followed your instructions.  That puts icons in the Action Bar. That's not what I want.  I've somehow managed to get the SEO links appearing as text, not as icons, in the top right of my menu.  How do I replace the text with icons?
  • Is there any way to change the Back to the Top button's icon and/or text?  I would like to have the button say " Top ^ " (with the upward arrow), or possibly "Back to Top" (without the arrow).