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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/223117#Comment_223117 Google Listings and Ads GTM4WP CleverReach® WooCommerce Integration CleverReach® WP
  • Hi, I had the same issue with my site - I could no longer access the backend after the installation of WP 6.1. The error was Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 476065792) (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /home/ugamohic/www/murer-online.ch/wp-i…
  • Hi Phil, together with external help I have carefully gone through the plugins, deactivating and testing. We cannot get the header to work correctly and cannot locate which plugin(s) is/are causing the conflicts. Any additional help or insights via …
  • Thanks Phil for the feedback. Any guidance on which plugin could be causing the issues, in order to avoid a trial and error witch-hunt? I have some plugins (e.g. payment provider) which are vital to the site. If any of these are causing the issue, I…
  • Thanks for the link. This seems to be setup correctly - not sure if I need to include the www or not i.e. https://xxx-xxxx.ch vs. https://www.xxx-xxxx.ch (not my URL of course ;-) ) I get the following errors in the console (as attached. https://for…
  • Thanks for the help - I'm still having difficulties with the header builder 2.0 correctly displaying my new header - some settings are not correctly samed or not displayed (icons missing in the sticky header, colours not being stored in the mobile h…