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@andreaminerva GOOD STUFF!
Hi thanks! the increase in logo size works thank you!
Hi! 1> ok 2> what do you mean it doesn't work? please try again. It's just mighty slow ( btw, wanted to ask you on recommendations to improve page speed)
Hello, I have updated Betheme and Wordpress 4.5.2 I have and suddenly Visual Composer is not working in the Backend. It does work when i click on "Edit wiht Visual Composer" but as soon as I try to click on Backend Editor it goes back to …
Done! thank you for your support
do you know when this will be available? I'm having the same exact problem!
Any idea why its taking then the Magazine as the homepage? how can i change that? thanks in advance! you've been always of great help!
Hey @muffingroup I changed the CSS and put it at the top ( to hide first child of breadcrumbs) and it worked perfectly- THANKS! Nonetheless, can you maybe let me know where I can make sure that the website understands that "Magazine" is…
@DebLiz Thank you so much! I tried looking for the discussion because I knew other people must've had the same question. Worked like a charm! Thank you so much!
Hi Muffingroup, Above you mention on how to change the color of the links in the Action Bar, but what about the color of the SOCIAL ICONS on the Action bar? My action bar is set to Background color White, and I would like the Social icons to be bla…
Hi, thanks, will look into the CSS and let you know BUT My homepage is NOT called Magazine... that is why I don't understand this problem, unless their is another way of changing the name I have checked in the Betheme Options, checked under SEtt…
Hello, I want to figure out why its appearing under Magazine ( blog post page). I'm just worried its showing as if all the parent directories ( "Magazine", "Ateliers" and "Gallery" are part of "Magazine", bu…
following the thread, its actually happening in all my pages... i dont understand why. here is an example: http://www.offcyclers.com/ateliers/dvelas/
I just don't want the content to be further down so that the logo is not floating on top of the content. here you can see what i mean: http://www.offcyclers.com/ateliers
I created that CSS because I had to increase the size of the logo, which was showing to be too small. Then what happened is that the logo would expand over the content ( mostly in the portfolio grid view) that's why I created that CSS, can you m…
Ohh! ok! thank you so much! What do you mean: it's wrong?? can you please elaborate a bit?? million thanks!
Ok, so I'm really trying, I promise I'm trying... and i'm really sorry for being such a pain in the ass with this... but I have no idea what this means... "For Mega Menu columns you must add each menu item using a # "URL" attribute an…
MAYBE I WASN'T CLEAR... All i want to do is have the SUBMENU in 2 columns... I don't need it to be Megamenu... Do you have a fast and easy CSS that can do the work? The explanation in your Document is pretty difficult to understand... Million t…
http://www.offcyclers.com/ateliers when I enable the Filters under Betheme Options it appears as FILTER BY: PROJECTS I am wondering if its possible to change that "PRojects" for "Styles" or another word of my choice. Right …
Hi Muffingroup, Any updates on the nested categories? If not, no problem. Just one thing, I would like the FILTER BY : to show STYLES instead of PROJECTS. how can I do this? thanks a lot!
MENU > INCLUDING PORTFOLIO CATEGORIES AND SUBCATEGORIES - being able to access them directly from the menu as subcategories or dropdown features when hovering over the portfolio i.e. so I can have two portfolios ( one for photos and one for vide…
Of course I do, anyways thanks and congrats for the great support, you guys are on top of stuff!
I completely understand its the policy, but my only point is that if to get an effect the same way you are showing in your website under a DEMO, I have to hire a developer, it is all a bit misleading on your side. Maybe something to add to future …
just one more thing, the PRICE FILTER, doesn't seem to appear at all... Is it because I dont have enough products with different prices? or might it be something related to the updates you mentioned elsewhere?
So what do you suggest? I should spend more money and hire a developer to do this? I think it's strange that you put up a Demo page with those same customizations and then you say that it's not possible to do... I hope you can understand, but I w…
Thank you! That solved it! :)
how do we update to the latest version of the theme? I am still on 6.8, is that the latest?
thank you, I have figured out how to use that page as the front page ( theme customization). My mistake was that i hadn't disabled the Maintenance mode. Please refer to the following URL to see whats going on with the code. Thanks! http://ww…
What the hell?? can you please tell me what is happening please? When I hit preview on the COMING SOON page I am able to see it. To go around the problem of the betheme options "under construction" section, I decided to go to Appearance…