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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Dear Team,I also want to change the color of the font in my contact box / get in touch shortcode.  What is the custom css for this or where can I change this? Thanks and best regardsSarah
  • That's great and works. However, I want the social icons at the very right side and the contact details left next to it / also on the right side. How can I put this order Right hand side: Phone - Email - Social Icons  Thanks and best regardsSarah
  • Thanks for your reply. If I enter this code exactly the way it is at "custom" > "Additional CSS code", there is no impact/ change happening. It is not changing the place from left to right for example. What am I doing wrong? T…
  • And another question is - how do I update the theme?  When I try to install the most updated version the system tells me "the folder already exists"? Do I need to deinstall it first? I'm afraid this would delete most settings.. Thanks also…
  • Thanks,the link of my website is www.sarah-braun-company.com I do not see the option to change the colors for the action bar only - it correlates with colors for the menu or could you send me a screenshot of which options you see? Thanks for your su…
  • Can I also change the colors of action bar individually?  I am using white as color for my buttons - because my main menu is dark colored. My action bar, however, is white, to keep it clean. However, the button text - when it is white - cannot be se…