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- shibupraj
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License key verification
We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired
Where can I find my purchase code?Comments
Mr.Pawet,It really worked without any file custmization. Thank you very much.
sir,i have deleted some css, which was repetition. Now the menu is loading, but behind RV slider. Is there any way to sort it out as I am not able to understand why it is so. Thanks,
Sir,How to remove these. I have deleted a plugin for Google analytics. Still it is not working. I am using latest version of RV slider also. Please help me to sort out this issue. Thanks,
sir,I am using fresh version of the theme. May you please tell me which content is not coming from JS consle as there is only RVslider and 'trailer box' for home page. There is a pop up used with a plugin, but I have deactivated that plugin, still i…
Sir,I have removed scripts and tried deactivating plugins. Still point number 1 is not rectified. Can you please help? 2. It worked well. Thank you. 3. facebook and twitter worked. Can you please get me the css for google plus and youtube? Regards,S…
Thank you very much sir.
Thank you. It worked.
sir, we did make changes in look and feel. thats true, but that was done only with custom css and have not made any changes in code of theme. The above issue was only with IE and not with any other browsers. If you are not ready to help because of t…
Hi, There is an issue for contact form. Image attached below. there is an overlaping of 'attach documents part to the right side div. Also, in mobile view, it is not responsive. Checked in IE9 onwards. Please provide me custom css to correct this is…
sir, will be great if you could reply today itself.
sir, can you please provide any custom css for mobile view only to adjust this padding?
i have done it for desktop view as the logo is placed above this.If I remove that padding, in desktop view it willl overlap with logo.
sir, In the mobile view the text area (Details of survey needed) has a top blank space. How can I reduce that? Also, the captcha section has top blank space with text area in mobile view. This also has to be reduced. Please can you provide me the cu…
thank you very much sir.
sir, please reply urgently. Our client is waiting for this to complete the site. thanks.
sir,image given in last message. When we are on P&I page, the background of P&I sub menu should be of the background color of 'services' and rest of the sub menu's background should remain white as now.Please help!!
No, when clicked on a particular sub menu item, the background color of that particular sub menu items should be of a different color. This will be same for each sub menu item. No different color for each sub menu items background.
sir,One more help in this regard is needed. There are 7 sub menu items for 'services' menu. So when clicked on a particular sub menu, the background of that particular menu item should also be custom color. Can you help?Ie, When clicked on P&I (…
Thank you sir. It worked perfectly.
sir, further to my last mail, please note that whenver each sub menu is opened, the services menu background should be the same like this, which we set.
This worked for paged menu. But the 'services' menu is a custom link. Can you please tell me how to add this feature to this menu also? Thanks,
OK, I managed it with custom html coding and css. Thanks,
Sir,It is not for adding new field. I need to get the submission details via fax (to a particular fax number). Thanks,Shibu
sir,I have updated the client slider.URL: http://columbusmarinesurvey.com/I need below customiztions. 1. The scrolling direction should be towards right.2. There should not be pause between slides. It should scroll continuously.3. I need to adjust t…
client slider is not available in my options.
I cannot see option for setting timeout in this builder tool. Also, I need to re-arrange the order of each image. Thanks,
One more question. For each page I have set a top margin for content by 150px to get proper alignment with logo. Hence in mobile phones, that is causing more white space below logo. How can I write custom css for mobile phones only. URL: http://colu…
So you meant to say that action bar will not be visible in mobile phones?