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- terlie
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Where can I find my purchase code?Comments
Thank's for quick reply!
Ok, thank's for support!
I think a lazy load plugin causing the issue, but it have not before. Why?
Or not... The problem with logo disappearing is back... https://spurt.no/
Seems like everything is working now. I can see you have been inside admin. Found anything? https://spurt.no/
Logo keep disappearing even when cache is cleared. When I scroll down, sticky menu appears, and logo is back when scrolling to the top.
This is solved. But did you get sidebars to categories? I've tried with deleting Blog in frontpage, but still sidebars would not display. https://spurt.no/
When I stop forcing layout in single posts, sidebar displays, but something is wrong, it was not like this before update. I still have issues with logo which will not display before scrolling when I click on menu items. I use Chrome. https://spurt.n…
As I said I got 3 column displayed in top of frontpanel and normal display beneath with what you described. Categories then is ok. Why do I get this in frontpage?
I don not get it. If I remove blog and set front page in settings I get 3 column in top and one column thereafter. What do you mean? Also I get a Warning in settings that I should not set post page the same as front page. https://spurt.no/
I already have a sidebar on my main blog page. I’m not sure want you mean. This side I have do not show on categories pages.
Done! Check pages, then you see the unwanted scrollbar when inside column.
I've also installed Envato market, using this to update Betheme, but this also fail. I do not get autmatic updates from Betheme.
Ok, everything is ok now, but do not what happened. Everything was gone, just a default wordpress template was displayed. When I try to upload update via zip I got error because I already have betheme. Why do I get this? Can you give me instruction…
Chrome, and yes, it happens when plugins disabled. In Mozilla it works. Whait is with Chrome?
Ok. I've deactived all plugins, without any result, and this error comes and goes. As said before, this came when I got a bbpress forum. Do yoy any suggestions how to establish forums without bbPress ord Buddypress etc, with Betheme?
Ok. It's me which is a bit confused here... I'm really sorry!
If I and understand you right; To install a new theme will reset everything? Then I could rather install a fresh Wordpress on a subdomain instead of cloning? By the way, I've tried cloning my website with Duplicator, and it work like a charm. Duplic…
That did'nt work. How to that? Htaccess file?
I create a subdomain and work it out there.
Yes, I know this, but What will happen with links and content when replacing theme? I need to work in a sub directory with new theme. Is it possible to copy existing Wordpress website to a subfolder and install new theme there? Then replace existing…
When I create a test post everything is working, so its hard to now what’s causing this. I got this after install bbpress. Could this cause issues? I’ve tried uninstall all plugins.
Can you check this out with provided login info?
Now I have this issue for every article... I've tried disabling every plugin and cleared cache, but the only thing that works is having full width content.
Ok. This happened now again. What's the problem here? It has something to do with sidebars, as mentioned above. When no sidebars selected, everything functioning. This you have to sort out quickly. Can you check my site? I have of course cleared cac…