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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Thank you, however that doesn't explain why it fits in Chrome, but not in Firefox. Changing the width would result in some horizontal scrollbars on devices that typically don't have them. I did change the padding for the navigation elements, which …
    in Header Comment by verdipro October 3
  • https://www.ignitionlmr.com/
    in Header Comment by verdipro October 2
  • I assume I can still do it in WP Bakery? As I am using that builder rather than muffin builder. The issue is that if I add in padding top it does add in a lot of space at the top of the page, which doesn't look great.
  • Sorry I didn't realize this was replied to. Is this on the page settings or in the theme options? I don't see it in either.
  • I would have to check all my installations (I have license numbers for each), but the one in particular that I tested yesterday after you mentinoned it is Layer Slider 6.7.6.  It hasn't updated in a long time for some reason. WordPress 5.5.1 & B…
  • Thank you, that method did work for the update for 2 of 3 plugins. Still having an issue with Layer Slider which last had a release on August 3, 2020. This is the error I am receiving: License activation is required to receive updates. Please read o…
  • When I try to update WPBakery from in the admin, I get an error. An error occurred while updating WPBakery Page Builder: To receive automatic updates license activation is required. Please visit Settings to activate your WPBakery Page Builder. Got …
  • Ok thank you.  Any plan in the future to separate the shop homepage from the other pages so it can be customized differently either with different column amount or differently?  I also thought about setting it up custom with wpbakery, but there isn'…
  • @Bryan thanks for the reply.  So just to confirm its either 3 column format or 4 column format & nothing in between for either the products or the categories?
  • ok thank you.  So only way of fixing this is by adjusting the CSS?
  • Is there any reason, why with a "Fixed" header it pushes the subheader & title bar to the top, so that some of it now falls behind the navigation?  That is happening with revolution slider as well.
  • Ah thank you.  I thought it was not present in the PHP file controlling it.  Didn't realize it was just a simple display none via CSS.
  • That worked, thank you. Is there a way to get the top header to appear in some way on mobile?  Even if those menu items get pushed to the mobile menu that is fine also.  But right now they do not appear at all.
  • https://www.verdipro.com/sandbox/njchartersjune/ Just want the white top header to be part of the sticky.  There are a lot of includes files & I haven't been able to figure out exactly which one it lives on, if it is there.
  • ok I added that, thank you.
  • If I can request a feature request, its that you add in another logo level for the left navigation menu (creative menu option).  As the mobile menu shows up at 1255 pixels wide, so the mobile logo should have the option of showing up then as well, s…
  • Thank you for the information.  If I can request a feature request, its that you add in another logo level for the left navigation menu (creative menu option).  As the mobile menu shows up at 1255 pixels wide, so the logo should have the option of s…
  • I need to know what file you breakpoint is set on. When using you creative header, the mobile menu starts at 1255 pixels wide.  But it does not start using the mobile logo until 768 pixels wide.  I want the mobile logo to start at 1255 pixels wide s…
  • No problem at all.  Currently I am not using the pre-build header though within Muffin Builder.  Just using Theme Options area for all of my logo placement (aside from forcing some logo fixes in the CSS)
  • Thank you!  I didn't think of looking in that area, but figured it had to be under some tab.  It does seem that with the left hand menu setups, that there should be another logo break point able to be added in around 1240 pixels.  I would much rathe…
  • Thank you for your reply.  The only issue with that approach is that we are then setting the size of the video, which will still look great on desktop.  But on mobile, it makes the video screen look funky because of the preset parameters.  As far as…
  • Typically you can force a youtube video to not show related videos when it finishes by adding ?rel=0 to the end of the video URL.  Such as: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPO9COuwYQ4?rel=0 if I was to paste this in WordPress it won't show the video…
  • ok thank you
  • Muffin Header Builder is close.  But the main issue with muffin header builder is the mobile menu, which looks extremely ugly.  As far as I have seen, there isn't a way to have the mobile menu slide out like on the regular theme version.  If there w…
  • Thank you for this.  #2, that CSS I have tried previously.  But the issue is the .menu_wrapper is inside of another container & is not allowed to stretch 100% across the screen.  I was looking to achieve a background color in .menu_wrapper, but …
  • 1) Ok thank you 2) sure if you can provide it so that I know the best way it will work with your header 3) Is it one file I need to update & add to my child theme or multiple?  If its just one file & you can point me to that file, I can hand…
  • https://www.verdipro.com/sandbox/landscaping/
  • @Pablo, thank you for the info.  Initially I saw the issue with Slider Revolution enabled which is packaged with your theme.  Currently I am not seeing hte issue present with Slider Revolution & believe I have found the plugin that is causing th…
  • https://supportcenteronline.org/ sent access