Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • edited January 2015
    at the first thank you for your very amazing theme and unique support :)
    i think this lines need changed if you like do it ;)
    be happy and be peacefull

    change line 73 :    <?php $translate['search-placeholder'] = mfn_opts_get('translate') ? mfn_opts_get('translate-search-placeholder','Enter your search') : __('Enter your search','falco'); ?>
    to:                    <?php $translate['search-placeholder'] = mfn_opts_get('translate') ? mfn_opts_get('translate-search-placeholder','Enter your search') : __('Enter your search','betheme'); ?>
    change line 136 :    <?php $translate['search-placeholder'] = mfn_opts_get('translate') ? mfn_opts_get('translate-search-placeholder','Enter your search') : __('Enter your search','falco'); ?>
    to :                 <?php $translate['search-placeholder'] = mfn_opts_get('translate') ? mfn_opts_get('translate-search-placeholder','Enter your search') : __('Enter your search','betheme'); ?>
  • Thanks @rahimimorad_gmail for this information. Of course we'll sort it with next update.
  • I'm new in web and many things are new for me, so when i start to look about pagespeed for me its a horrible story like ) is it possible to make a @ROCKET@ button, so after on the web all not needed things as animations and not so important things will dissapper, for me main thing is information and animations or ajax or other thing not important. Ater turning Rocket button only important things will left and speed will be bigger :) 
    may be it is already done but i didn't found it )))
  • @erkintazh It is not possible to do anything like "Rocket" :) button because customers are totally different and need different things. But if you want to speed up your website, we recommend to install W3 Total Cache and use Static CSS instead. More information about this plugin you can read in other topic

    Hope this will help you a lot :)

    P.S. As you can see below, our theme works very fast (even with tons of large graphics for retina displays).!/cmFKfV/ (99/100) (86/100 while errors are related only with large graphics for retina displays and revoltion slider)
  • I have a suggestion for touch-enabled devices. I believe that currently, the mouseover title/link effect works in response to the mouse hovering over an image. But on a phone or tablet, it does not react to a tap with a hover effect – it interprets the first tap as a click, and you jump off the page. So you can’t browse image titles, or see the B&W-Color effect, since each tap is a navigation click. I realize this is "normal" behavior, but it's also different on desktop vs touch, which is a problem in designing for interaction. 
    On themes such as Avada (also on Themeforest), on a mobile device, the first tap summons the mouseover title, and the 2nd tap is counted as a click. You can see this in all their demos, if you run them on a tablet. Is that possible in Be? I’ve been asked to float titles over images, but to my knowledge, Be does not support this on touch devices, so I will not be able to use Be for my project if that is the case.
  • @lbdesign This works the same with our theme. First click is for "hover action" but 2nd for click. However with one of last updates we added option to turn off hover effects on mobile devices and keep them on desktop only what is much better solution in our opinion. This can be disabled in Theme options > Getting started > Advanced section.
  • Hi guys! We really need basic compatible with BuddyPress.
  • Hi, it would be great to have vertical tabs instead of accordion in woocommerce product page
  • I would like to have two output settings sidebar throughout the site immediately. And not only customize your homepage.
  • The Muffin editor is great but sometimes it would be needed to edit the generated HTML in order to customize the style (eg: add a css class to an element so that I can control its appearence via css).
  • please make sure that the class -tgm-plugin-activation.php is updates. there is a bug inside.

  • Kindly Improve 'Blog Section'...

    1. Kindly include options for single post layout structures to choose for every post.
    2. You can also provide some formats to choose from for different category list posts.
    3. Please take SEO as priority in your code... use microdata or schema code for 'rich snippets'.
    4. If possible, make it 'ad friendly' i.e. easy and friendly for bloggers who want to use Adsense codes.
    5. Please offer 3 column structure for blog section.
    6. As I already mentioned,... If i choose a different layout for Blog with Different Menu... It does not work on Single Post... it must be fixed immediately.

    This theme is wonderful but not paying attention to Bloggers... If its blog section can be improved like a magazine theme.... it can be a great theme of 2015.
  • Some added options to the shop slider would be awesome. like - allow "top rated products" or "Best selling products" and even a specific products selection option.
    I have been testing quite a few plugins for that, but I cannot get them to work with the same look as the theme and it is so annoying :-(
  • Membership Plugin Integration...."Paid Membership Pro" for example
  • Thanks Muffin Group! This is an amazing theme! 

    I love how the menu persists after you scroll down when using a desktop computer. This is really helpful when building a one page website. 

    I haven't noticed this working on the responsive version though, which makes it hard to navigate a long page on a mobile device. Maybe I'm missing something, or otherwise I'd like to request this feature!

    Can you verify if this is already possible? Thanks!

  • Please add ajax woocommerce shopping cart
  • Muffin Buillder > Visual Editor

    When opening to re-edit any Visual Editor Item, all <p> and <br> tags without classes, IDs, or styles disappear when view is toggled to HTML.   They are removed from the block upon Save.
  • It would be extraordinary to configure the login page, I hope in a future update implement this option

  • @CesarMendocilla It is already possible because we made compatibility with Custom Login plugin.
  • edited January 2015
    Hi' there!

    I think the Muffin Builder has some really cool features, but if you added a WYSIWYG Rich text editor, to other items than Visual editor - the users that don't know HTML would have a lot more options e.g.:
    - adding a title <h2>, <h3>, etc
    - breaks </br>
    - links <a href=""> etc.
    - Bold and italic text

    That would make it even more perfect in my opinion...8)

    Thanks, Dennis

  • can you make the muffin builder better...right now it is good...but unable to revise contents from old updates...if something is lost or you want to have to do it all over is kinda frustrating...

    if you can include the contents of muffin builder in to the "Reviews" option that we usually get wen we use the normal editor or visual will be great

    i actually prefer muffin builder over VC...but this problem of not having the option to go back is holding me back while designing a complex layout

  • Integration with BuddyPress would be awesome or functionality with Ultimate Member.  There are some amazing community plugins available which would permit the users of Be Theme to an even greater level of awesome sauce.
  • i sugguest a megamenu like this and a "registration form"
  • edited January 2015
    please bring to us a horizontal music player, like soundclound site, for Be|Music demo or other alike...

    A music player thats plays in the background, fixed on the footer or something like this:

     Ps.: Sorry... my english is so bad.
  • header height settings....i know there is CSS hack but it would be great if you add the height property in muffin settings it would be great....

    few other request i made for updates in  my prev comments .....

  • Gravity Forms would be a great addition to this already awesome theme. If not integrated at least support css styling for it as in Contact Form 7. 
  • Since this theme relies heavily on prettyPhoto, it would be nice to have the possibility to customize its look. Especially considering there are several "skins" shipped with prettyPhoto - it would be great to be able to choose prettyPhoto's skin from the BeTheme Options panel.
  • Hello,
    I'd like to suggest one change to how things are being edited
    with Muffin Builder. How about making options responsive with up to
    three columns on very wide (full hd and beyond) screens?

    example, when editing section parameters - there's plenty of space
    wasted and the scrolling isn't user friendly. The problem wouldn't exist
    if "Page Options" window had two or three columns on larger screens.
  • For Search engine optimization i suggest to add Reach Snippet Support ( 
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