Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • Wow - there's quite a few comments on this discussion so not sure if this will ever get read, but something I think would be really helpful would be to have the pre-built sites available in Visual Composer too - for those who would like to use VC instead of Muffin Builder.
  • Can you add more variations of examples themes? I learn a alot from them to build my own style
  • Please add LearnDash support!
  • Please consider a select-able option for including Featured Image in search results. Thank you,
  • In slide side menus write a javascript option in so that it allows the menu text to act as a submenu dropdown when clicked, rather than just the stock arrows.

  • a cookie/privacy notification would be really useful, especially now when GDPR will be in place.
  • 1 - Offer support to Wordpress embeds (all of them) in Visual Editor, as described in this discussion

    2- Better related posts, as described here
  • would you consider adding submenus to the overlay menu? 
    they might open similarly as an accordion: click the "+" aside the 1st level menu item, the submenu opens under the father element, moving down the others 1st level items in the menu.
  • I would love to see more flexibility with products layout eg to be able to bring products in the home page in a blog teaser layout or even to be able to design your products layout with the builder :)
  • Let us upload and name custom icons, please.
  • I would love for you to add whitelabel features, this is my go-to theme for small businesses. They would love to see their company details at the login, etc.
  • For next upgrade I suggest to let us put transparent menu background for side menu layout. Thanks!
  • Be able to center align main menu on any header style
  • Can you pleas add a VR and a Couch icon?
  • Add a "Discord" Icon please
  • Hello, that would be xmas if sorting events with selected category as it's possible for posts was possible :x 
  • Please add a hook to mfn_breadcrumbs() function which allows to override default options and add new cases (to customize plugins/custom post types, ... ).

    This would be very usefull for child themes to keep your version of this function up-to-date.
  • Perhaps as a suggestion; maybe make it clearer as to what a Share Box is. I was trying to figure out a way to disable the social sharing and didn't realize it was called a Share Box on the backend
  • Hi,

    I would really welcome the addition of a Recent Portfolios widget. I added it into my BeTheme myself, but with each update, I have to manually insert the code again, which is annoying. Perhaps I could do a workaround with a custom plugin, but I never coded anything in PHP, so I don't know how to. 

    It won't take much of updating, just three files:

    in the theme root folder the functions.php:
    in //Widgets (after line 118) insert "require_once( LIBS_DIR .'/widget-recent-portfolio.php' );"

    in the functions folder of the theme the widget-functions.php:
    in Widgets | Add insert into the list: "register_widget('Mfn_Recent_Portfolio_Widget'); // Portfolios"

    and add a new file into the functions folder named widget-recent-portfolio.php which's contents is too long for this message, but it is based on the recent comments widget and the changes are kind of intuitive. Perhaps I can send the code by email if you'd like.

    If you would consider adding this, I would be very grateful.

  • As was asked from me in this thread I would like to suggest the following feature:

    To enhance the user experience for long blog posts as well as improving CTR it would be great to be able to split long texts into several pages, having a paginator at the bottom. I understand, that WordPress usually supports this with the tag <!--nextpage-->, very much like the <!--more--> tag for "continue reading", but BeTheme does not offer any of this. I believe this was possible in earlier releases but not anymore today.

    Thank you.
  • My suggestions;
    1. Integrations with pods plugin,
    2. Custom shortcode can be used inside muffin builder fields,
    3. Custom page templates may create with builder.

    While speaking with Pablo from the Support Team, he told me that it is not possible to adjust the padding between the page content and the side bar. In many, many cases, I need to adjust it, as I am sure many other users need.

    He told me that  "cannot apply a Custom CSS for it, because name of this class is this same, so if I'll give this more space, every div with this name will be spaced a little."

    Since every single theme I have ever worked with will either allow me to use CSS without affecting anything else, or will already include the option to set a customized space in the theme options, my suggestion is that you also modify the theme so this can be done one way or the other (hopefully as a theme option).

    Thank you.
  • Actually, what I ask for is a feature update to your theme which is already offered by many other major themes on the market. This is a request that's been asked for before in your forum and by all accounts is very easy for you to add feature to your core theme files.

    As I mentioned in my post - WP Bakery Builder, one of your associated plugins - offers compatibility with its page builder and custom post types. Why don't you?

    Why haven't you added this to your theme in response to what your clients have asked for?
  • Can you integrate the CodeMirror Wordpress function in custom CSS and JS. It can be a lot helpful to write code without errors.
  • I think this Theme would be perfect if it just had more grid layouts for the page builder, similar to Newsmag or Uncode. That would be my only recommendation. 

  • more header options (especially on mobile). This theme needs header builder as quick as you can.
  •  I would like to have to options:

    1. Hide slider panel

    2. Hide thumbnail in the single post  

    I've got solved this problem by code, but this is not very good for my blog, especially with low speed of internet

  • A built in page speed test and recommendation that can somehow highlight the issues found in your website will be nice.
  • edited August 2018
    It would be great to be able to add custom icons or images to the default 404 and Search results error pages.

    You could also add this to the Under Construction page too, as the default clock icon does not work on all browsers at the moment.

    On the Error 404 page the left padding needs adjusting because the text overlaps the icon which just looks rubbish! - please fix this asap!

  • ZOOM BOX updates.

    Currently the Zoom box allows for text after rollover - I would love to be able to have the title show up before rollover and then move up or something with the additional text upon rollover.


    it would be nice to have a visual text editing or at least more features in the code editor so that I don't have to go out to create code
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