Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • Can we PLEASE get the option for more than one photo gallery column on mobile?!?!?! Pleeeeease!

  • Add taxes to the side cart if enabled in the WooCommerce options

  • edited October 2022

    For the keyboard support in accessibility, add in JavaScript a small script to remove the focus (and the outline) after clicking on a link



  • Add for the standard Image gallery element the style “product gallery” with the choice on which side adds the small thumbs.

    It's useful if you want to create a display product page without the installation of WooCommerce

  • Would be great to control animation speed or add a delay (a bit like slider revolution) but for bebuilder elements.

  • Center the marker image on the map,

    the top position should be:

    image width / 2 * -1 

  • In BeBuilder add the feature to edit the post title, permalink, short description.

    Doing this, there will not be the need to edit that information in WordPress edit post page.

  • Add integrations in BeBuilder with the major SEO Plugins:

    • All in One SEO
    • Yoast SEO
    • Rank Math
  • Make BeBuilder usable in all kinds of fields, even in custom post types.

    Maybe doing a shortcode that call a page template, like other plugins do, like Contact Form 7 as concept.

  • This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.


  • edited November 2022

    Hi, I think these suggestions is very important and be useful for website developers.

    1. Duplicating Templates
    2. Different templates for Mobile Pages.


  • Add an option (button) in BeBuilder to convert Deprecated settings to the new one.

    Very useful for old pre-built websites, and old pages made with the old Muffin Builder (now called BeBuilder Blocks)

    Also add support for live change when you do changes to deprecated settings.

  • Please add support for additional image sizes that have been registered with WordPress.

    The codex has a filter for adding new image sizes to the image size selector / dropdown - which is 'image_size_names_choose'. Which works well for the built in WordPress page editor. It would be great if the BeBuilder 3 elements, especially the 'Image' element would also utilize this returned array in its own image size selectors - enabling them to also support any new image sizes that have been registered.

  • In Theme options → SEO add the option to add code just after <body> tag is opened, is very useful to use Google Tag Manager, that has the script loaded in two parts, one in the <head> one after opening <body>

  • edited November 2022

    There should be category-based frequently asked questions.

    Here's the thing, you click on the Categories and everything on the page disappears and only the questions in that category appear.

    There is also a search box that allows us to search only for information within the page content.

    I think BEBuilder needs 2 elements even if it doesn't come completely that way.

    First element: The search box that returns only the search results from the page content.

    Second element:

    Links that change page content

    When these links are clicked, the existing elements on the page will be hidden instead of only the content related to that link.


    Here we need a button that will allow us to add the ready sections to our favorites list. The heart sign just above the right of these sections is sufficient.

  • please add feature to have quick add to cart button on category or product list with quantity input , alone with option selection if it's variant product

  • Sidebar shop filtering should only show selected attributes, not for all. Imagine you are selling pencil but you can see 8gb in filter menu if you are selling memory card also even it is not in the screen. That is a bug.

    That section should defitinitely follow the related product attiributes which is served on the screen and should be shown as dynamically by removing the irrevelant attiributes.

  • A feature that would save us all a lot of time would be the editable template / grid that you can apply to more pages. If the template/grid changes, you don't have to edit all the pages. Now there are only solutions with fixed content.

  • This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.

    I agree, it will be also Ideal for giving the access to the customer.

    If you have a fixed template grid with the items inside as placeholder, and when you use the template you are only allowed to change the contentment of the items will be Ideal.

    For more contest, in the template you define the structure and the items in it, like images, text, icons, ecc.

    For those elements, you will define the styles and with one can be changed when using the template, the other styles will be locked by default.

    Using the template, the user can edit only the content of the blocks, for example for an image, the source, and the link and the other parameters will be loaded from the template.

    The user can't delete sections, wraps, and element, but can hide some ones if allowed in the template.

    In the template, the items can be rearranged, and the changes will reflect in all post/pages/products in with the template is used.

  • Add an option to search in the “Theme Options”.

    For the users that start to use BeTheme for the firs time, it will be difficult to find all options, even for me that I'm using BeTheme from 3 years, sometime is difficult to find the option to change.

  • This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.

    In addition to that, add this function when importing pre-built websites made with the deprecated options.

  • Your support is really great, but you can make it even better here.

    In this forum - add a separate field for the website link which will be visible only for you.

    You always as for the link to the website, but the users are reluctant to show it publicly for different reasons. So many problems are not solved.

    Then it would be good to have a separate field or a short code that would allow you to see the website link while it would be hidden for the other users and the crowlers.

    What do you think?


  • GDPR & Cookies - adding refuse button

    It's against the regulations if the cookies are loaded before the consent.

    Please add that feature so nobody is fined by authorities.


  • I would like the ability to search only on products and on the search results page the ability to filter on price, attributes, etc. like on a product category page. And then the products in grid view and not only in list view.

    I posted a thread about this question and was asked to post this here.

  • Hi, in version you made a modification so that links with the .scroll class refer to the anchor without # in URL.

    But if the link goes to an anchor on another page (page/#anchor) then the # in the URL is displayed.

    Would it be possible to include this case in the adjustment?


  • edited January 2023

    Please update Google Fonts list in the next update

    For example, the font "Unbounded" is missing:

    Also, Sofia Sans Family:

  • 1- update google font list

    2- add a checkbox in background to apply gradient over background picture

    3- more element modules like forms and blurbs

    4- more customizations in advanced like transitions

  • When is focused to the column content TinyMCE, pressing Ctrl+Z should undo last change in the TinyMCE editor not in the page; same for Ctrl+Y, should redo last change in the TinyMCE editor not in the page.

    Please fix it.

  • Enabling a direct "add to the cart" function straight from the catalog page which adds the item straight into the cart, instead of having to click "Select Options" to access the Product Page, then select all the product data attributes to enables the "Add to cart" function.

  • Hello,

    This is from a Support Forum Submission,

    We had a site with header search disabled but the code is still being generated in top_bar_left search_wrapper

    The problem is that it's generating an ADA contrast error so the code needs to be removed.

    Because ADA is a legal issue & liability, I wonder if it would be possible to change Betheme to check if search is being displayed and only generate the code when search is displayed.

    Thank you for your consideration,


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