Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • It would be very interesting if the live search would list the articles searched by term, from the most recent to the oldest, or that it had options on how the user wants to filter, because we have articles from 5 years ago that are in first place and articles from 1 week back sometimes doesn't even show up when we search for some common terms on our blog.

  • Add saved sections in “Pre-build sections”

    Adding obviously also the option to save a section

    in this way, is not needed to open the BeBuilder editor to export a section from a page.

  • Add style presets for Sections and Wraps

  • The Loop Builder is a great feature, but still quite limited in regards to ecommerce. Your Woo features are nice but don't mesh well enough with the Loop feature, for instance I like the hover icons on images with the shop widget, but if we just use the image widget for shop items in the Loop it does not have any of those advanced icons like add to cart or preview. Conversly, using the shop widget we cannot choose less than 2 columns, but can choose 1 product which limits its design capabilities.

    A few more tutorials on the loop would be good too, like explaining how do use the other post types like page. I can see the potential to create custom sliders built like a regular row that can get pulled in but am not sure how to accomplish this.

  • edited March 2023

    Element "How it Works" -> Link enable use of Dynamic Content

    In general, enable the use Dynamic Content everywhere:

    • Elements description, content. Everywhere is allowed to place HTML link.
    • Links in all elements
  • Please, please, create a social icons element for the Header template editor.

    • Add an option to update the premium plugin like "Slider Revolution" during the theme update.
    • Change the premium plugins update URL to be yours, when trying to update them

    ChatGPT gave me this code

    function my_custom_update_url( $transient ) {
      if ( isset( $transient->response['plugin-folder/plugin-file.php'] ) ) {
            $transient->response['plugin-folder/plugin-file.php']->package = '';
      return $transient;
    add_filter( 'site_transient_update_plugins', 'my_custom_update_url' );

  • edited April 2023

    The popup builder is welcomed.

    For displaying condition for “singular” type, add the list of all pages, posts, etc.

    In this way, I can show or exclude the popup only on a single page, i.e., I want to show the popup only on the homepage.

    Other appreciated features:

    • Popup options: Show the popup only x times
    • Popup options: Close button: position: top or bottom
    • Popup options: Referrer rules: allow multiple selection
    • Popup options: popup width, add responsive settings
    • Popup options: Add link option for the popup
  • More customizable woocommerce and advanced custom fields.

  • Be's native Sliders are super useful but it's missing two very simple things and I don't understand why they haven't added them, (if I'm wrong, please I need to know), because it seems more like an agreement with LS than something reasonable.

    - Native Sliders should have their own rotation time and not just be global, it would even be awesome to have a specific time for each Slide.

    - The native Sliders should have a full-width, responsive version, without changes in the uploaded image, that is super simple, that allows you to choose different ones, arrows, dots, etc.

    - Sliders should have at least 5 transition types and not just one fade.

    Those are my suggestions, other builders bring it in their free versions, if you are interested I can send you screenshots or videos.


  • Hi Team,

    Kindly add social logins feature to the theme bundle as it will be great of use, Also OTP based logins integration.

    Thanks in advance.



  • Hi,

    it is possible to add link across the row (wrap). I would like to create a single section for the entire row but placing both the image and the text. I wish it was the whole line a link since it's from the same product.

  • Thinking on it, it is better to choose the anchor point of the image, like a background image.

    • Top: right, center, left
    • Center: right, center, left
    • Bottom: right, center, left
  • Can more widgets use dynamic data than we currently have? Like the Toggle widget, would be super useful if we could pull excerpt or content data into it. Basically anything that has a title, content area, or photo would really make dynamic data a game changer.

  • Hi all,

    I would like to be able to add a Return to shop button on mini cart woocommerce, so the clients has a more easy way to return to shop.

    Thanks in advance

  • Format the appearance of the numbers. We would like to have instead of, say, 3035123, a number with a point as a thousand separator like 3,035,123 in the Quick Fact box.

  • For the Overlay header Style, add the option to have multiple level menu, at least 2, Like the other header styles

  • Relay less on JS to display the top bar, because is the first element in the page flow, but is loaded the last, and this is not optimal.

    Also is a problem for CLS, for all header style don't overlay to the content.

    Reduce at minimum the Total blocking Time.

  • Make searchable theme options

  • edited May 2023

    A tool to convert all blocks to new ones.

  • Let us show more than 4 products per row. Ideally, 6 would be the perfect amount.

  • add hide caption in images like the portfolio:

    and add custom js in each page, like custom css.

  • @wmsas You don't need such tool as blocks converts to the BeBuilder automatically :) Whatever you do in one tool, it is already in the other.

    According to your question about header and JS, we've sorted many things in new 27 version and now everything loads way much faster and we didn't experienced any issues with CLS in our tests. If you still experience such issues after update, please drop us a message through the contact form on and we'll gladly assist you.

  • Hello - would be great if after saving a page in BeBuilder you could use a drop down to choose a different page to jump to but stay in the builder. At the moment I think you have to come out go to that page and the builder loads again.

  • Hi

    I really would love if


    "The Events Calendar", "The Events Calender Plus", "Event Tickets" and " Event Tickets Plus" would be again supported in combination with Woocommerce.

    It was supported in the past but now since bebuilder there is no way how to implement the tickets, events and so in all posts, pages, etc. and especially make custom designs for how calendars and events look like. t the tickets events and so

    also it then should be an element inside bebuilder


    if for Contact Form 7 (that seems to be officially supported) there would be an element inside bebuilder


    Essential Grid would be officially supported and also have an element inside bebuilder


    if betheme would allow to make custom post types that then have bebuilder - or to officially support another "custom post type" plugin and use the bebuilder there


    if there could be a role-manager that can add more roles with different accesses to installed plugins


    to have a "product item" in the bebuilder available - where we can choose one specific item to be shown (and also to design how this product item looks - this would be very helpful to include a single shop item into a post/page that talks about this product and have a direct "put into cart" or "buy now" button

  • 1) An integration for ACF would be absolutely wonderful.

    2) The ability to use BeBuilder on custom post types.

    3) The ability to use different blog layouts on category and tag archive pages.

    4) The ability to use BeBuilder to customize archive pages.

  • edited June 2023
    1. Selecting my already available custom post types on loops and use those terms and taxonomies to create my custom loops.
    2. Using templates for these custom post types, Muffin Builder is unavailable to use.
  • For the style presets:

    1. add to sections and wrapper
    2. Make them editable, and replaceable
    3. Make them applied as a template to the element (block, wrapper, section), in this way if you change a setting is applied to all elements that uses that style preset
    4. Make the feature to override only the setting changed for that element (i.e. color), keeping all the others.
    5. Allow to dissociate the element from the style preset.
  • Add in the theme stylesheet a class for each heading (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6), in this way can be used the style of the heading without using the actual heading.

    This is helpful when you have to format a text bigger, but does not have a relevance as a heading for the SEO.

    I suggest simple classes like .h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6

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