I have similar problem. Today I bought betheme and I am unable to work with that. When betheme options clicked, it is inactive, I cant change anything. I have to click Save and after that I can click on the tabs and change the values. But when I have chaged anything in the Color and Font section, it will restore on anothher Save Change.
Max Values I have 20.000 so this is not the problem. I found, that If I have comment the block from Colors until Fonts in sourc php, it will start function like a charm, but without Colors and Fonts. So the problem is due this section
@petr999 If Muffin Options are empty after installation or does not save as should, it means your server is limited. In this case we recommend to deactivate all plugins first and after that click “Save changes” button under empty Muffin Options panel. But if this won’t help, then please check topics below where we explained what may be limited on server side:
First i checked if the system status was oke by going to appearance, system status. The value for the max_input_vars was indeed the standard amount of 1000
I opened a text editor and pasted the line:
max_input_vars =10000;
I saved the file under the name .user.ini with"All files"not.txt I then uploaded the file inmy root of the domain,Public html or where ever you have your wordpress installation.
Got the same problem: Can't save changes on the website (Homepage) : www.bodacoaching.nl/cms/
max_input_vars is limited to 20.000 (according to Appearance--> System Status and also according to hosting provider. So that can't be the issue.) Someone able to help me out?
@Dutchbase Please go to theme folder, create php file with phpinfo() function inside and send us link to that file so we can have a look on your server settings.
@Dutchbase Yes, we agree that your host increased max_input_vars but you have PHP Version 5.4.45 while the minimum required by WordPress itself is 5.6 - so please ask them to update your PHP version because this might be the reason as well.
Ok, so if it's not a solution, please send us WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru contact form which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact so we can activate developer console and have a look on it closer. Please don’t forget to let us know what for the access is.
Hello there, I'm having the same problem were no changes are being saved.
I was on the phone with my server administrator and we just couldn't make it work. I'm attaching the "System Status" screenshot and also, I'm attaching the server status from a phpinfo file we installed in the root folder.
@bruceluis If you will have a look on the screenshot you pasted above, you will see that master value of max_input_vars is still not big enough (1024). If you want to save larger amount of the data in Muffin Builder, you need to increase this value to 5000 or even more (depends on how large pages you are planning to build). Please notice that LOCAL values are not being taken into account and it is necessary to increase MASTER values.
You guys should split the Muffin Builder into separate parts already (foregoing the need for billions of input vars). Not everybody controls their hosting and this makes the betheme all but unusable or rather, very tedious, on some hosters.
@akage99 please go to your FTP, create php file with phpinfo() function inside and send us link to that file so we can have a look on your server settings. The problem is probably related to limits but to be sure which one is the reason, we need that link. For more details about file creation, please visit https://mediatemple.net/community/products/dv/204643880/how-can-i-create-a-phpinfo.php-page
P.S. All limits you can check under Appearance > System Status section.
First i checked if the system status was oke by going to appearance, system status. The value for the max_input_vars was indeed the standard amount of 1000
I opened a text editor and pasted the line:
max_input_vars is limited to 20.000
(according to Appearance--> System Status and also according to hosting provider. So that can't be the issue.)
Someone able to help me out?
(hoster just reported that they have changed the max_input_vars limit to 40.000).
More details about this requirement you can find on https://wordpress.org/about/requirements/
I'm having the same problem were no changes are being saved.
I was on the phone with my server administrator and we just couldn't make it work. I'm attaching the "System Status" screenshot and also, I'm attaching the server status from a phpinfo file we installed in the root folder.
Please help!
Read more here: https://wordpress.org/about/requirements/
please go to your FTP, create php file with phpinfo() function inside and send us link to that file so we can have a look on your server settings. The problem is probably related to limits but to be sure which one is the reason, we need that link. For more details about file creation, please visit https://mediatemple.net/community/products/dv/204643880/how-can-i-create-a-phpinfo.php-page
Please send us a link to the phpinfo file so we can check it.