Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • Hi there,

    For elements that include images in (blog slider, article box, etc) please could you add the settings to enable users to amend the image sizes, automatically crop, with image position (top center, center center etc) within the element settings so that they are all appear the same size? 

  • Wherever <img /> tag is used in any of your 'muffin builder item',
    kindly show 'width, height' attributes.

    It would help to reduces errors in Pagespeed & Yslow test, being SEO friendly.

  • edited March 2015
    Hey there! This is my first time around with this are a few things I've wanted to be able to do but couldn't:

    • Change background color / add background image for individual column in muffin builder
    • Create content submenu that sticks at the top like the main menu does (not to compare your theme with bridge theme -- they both are very strong & have different strengths for different applications, but this site has an excellent example of what I mean).  I like the "content link" boxes but they are a little unwieldy for this kind of anchor linking, when an interior page is very long & users may only be interested in one section.
    • Change menu-background image on each page without creating a different layout for each one.
    • Option to equalize heights of columns in section
    • A separate page in your documentation & reference for the icons -- it's throwing me off that yall don't use fontawesome icons because I'm so used to keeping that reference page open in a tab at 200% zoom so I can see everything :) and I can't do that with this theme because the icons are part of another page...
    Thanks for such a great theme, looking forward to see improvements in future!  And thanks for the absolute hands-down most useful feature I've ever, ever seen in a theme -- ability to upload own custom webfont through the theme instead of having to do it via ftp.
  • Any chance of having option to include caret arrow icons on pages that have children elements?
  • Hi all,

    an intetegration of xing within the social bars in the betheme options would be nice. All other social networks are already integrated.

    Best regards
    Jörg Adams
  • Inclusion of a header widget area in a similar position to the banner in the magazine header layout. Would allow for a much more visually customizable header!
  • edited March 2015
    As I'm working on the mobile version of this theme there are a couple of other things that have been bothering me ---
    • The width of the containers on mobile is set at 260px instead of being set at a percentage and offset by padding. This seems like an extremely inefficient way to handle mobile widths & with phones like the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+, it leaves an enormous amount of blank space around the content.
    • The highlight boxes have no padding on mobile & this looks very strange
    • Image backgrounds don't "cover" the entire area unless they're set on parallax
    • The navigation button is rather far up above the logo if you have more than one phone number (although the fact that it follows the user as the user scrolls is very nice)
  • A pull up menu option in the footer of the page would be nice ^^
  • I think it would be great if you could implement an area to comply with European Cookie Law without the need to install external script/plugins.

    You could just let the users set top/bottom position of the popup and a simple text for it, something like
  • A shortcode to create automatically image galleries.
  • Please implement different layouts for galleries such masonry. Super useful for the photographers.  
  • It will be great if you insert some better CSS/JS editor. Like with syntax highlighting support, Tab key support, and may be syntax error detection.
  • Also, themes revision won't work with the current muffin builder style. What you could do is insert all the content in the wp content editor like the visual composer does. So you could have the revision of wp working.  
  • Please make it so we can add a separate logo for the mobile.  I would buy alot of your theme but the mobile version needs some love. 
  • @mediaworkx, this is also my wish, the documentation can be improved. 
    The idea of the shortcode documentation is really good.

    Also for the button shortcode, it would be usefull to have options to change the style straight in the shortcode (plain or stroked), because now it can only done globally. For example, if i have a dark background on a page, it would be nice to use a plain button even if stroked has been set globally.

    (sorry for my english)
  • It would be good to create something for Municipalities and Sport Clubs (football, basketball)
  • Please add shop cart to split transparent menu. Currently not possible with theme setups like Bar demo.
  • I'd love to have the following included in a future update:

    - The option to have a button with an icon, that also works with the pop-up feature

    - Generally better styling options for buttons. For example be able to choose a standard button font size, standard hover-animation etc.. It would be awesome to be able to choose a "flat style" for the buttons (without rounded corners, shadows etc.).

    - Table row highlighting: Have it switched OFF by default,, so that not every table gets highlighted ... This is a bit annoying at the moment. I rather would like to have an option to create a table and choose this option where I need it.
  • An option for DESKTOP view in mobile devices would be awesome. It is a pity that in many cases the whole design is ruined since the resposive is the only way to see it.
  • It would be nice to have the option to deactivate all google fonts...
  • Different mobile menu style options would be good. I've seen some nice mobile menus that slide out from the left or right sides (like the twitter bootstrap framework mobile style).
  • Option to add a horizontally laid out email newsletter subscribe form in the top header area - where social media buttons can sit now.
  • In mobile view, allowing the search icon to be on the same level as the search icon (right next to it).
  • In blog display, different styling options for read more buttons, author, category links, social share, and feature image sizes.
  • I really like the map tool and the ability to add extra markers.  Taking this a tad further for those of us that manage corp and retain chains would be an option to supply a unique marker image and data for each marker that when clicked can provide a small thumbnail, contact info, store hours and such.  Just take the existing options and wrap them with an "add marker" option.
  • buddy press support would be nice
  • edited April 2015
  • edited April 2015
    I just bought BE today, and I just wanted to mention this request again (I already did it a couple of weeks ago on Themeforest)...

    I would VERY much like for sub-menus to be visible in sidebars. 

    On the left, the "4 Premium Sliders" is activated (orange), and you can see the sub-menus below it. AND (very important) the current page I'm on, "Fusion Slider" is also active (orange).

    This is the absolut TOP NUMBER ONE THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD that I want!!! :-)
  • @FelixBerlin Theme is already compatible with Buddy Press plugin. We did this compatibility few weeks ago.
  • @muffingroup thats right but i cant set a sidebar for Buddy Press!
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