Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • edited February 11

    Accordion Suggestion:

    Would be nice if you could format accordion content with lists, bold, italice etc. Now you can only format the whole content (font) in accordion. It would make text in accordion more readable to user.

  • Replicate the "filters" feature (categories, tags, authors) of a blog archive from default functionality into the archive template builder.

  • First of all, thank you very much for your work and your service!

    In my opinion, it would be really perfect for SEO reasons if you could display the page number dynamically (for example in the category overview of all blog posts). For example, headings would not be the same on all pages. This is sometimes criticized by search engines.

  • Hi, I need URL with options to open toogle in subpage

    I have a toggle/accordeon BeBuilder element with 6 elements in a subpage. From the home page I have links to that page and I would like to open directly the page and open automatically the clicked toggle/accordeon. Would be a key feature for your theme.

    thank you

  • Theme feature suggetion:

    More Side Cart design options.

    Best regards

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