Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • Add settings to pages with offer items.
  • Hello MuffinGroup,

    Your theme is absolutely amazing, and the demos are great for startups. I wanted know if you could possibly consider adding a better WooCommerce setup in a future update.

    The page builder in the Atelier theme is super cool example! It provides truly custom layouts. The current WooCommerce product template in BeTheme is a bit bland in my opinion, I would say that is the only lacking area in this theme.

    Great team, and theme!

  • Would be nice to have BIG widget with phone number on the right side menu. I make a lot of local business sites.

  • Would be AWESOME if you could create a THEME like THIS ONE where the HEADER ITSELF has circles (links) to other pages.

    Something where the header can be used for immediate linked action instead of a header and THEN the 3 or 4 or more boxes/circles/options.

  • edited November 2015
    In future updates would be great to have a header settings and menu like in your theme Brandon
    P.S. link to the screenshot - Do not download pictures via Editor
  • Thank you for adding the shortcode atts, examples and details into the documentation!!!
  • Would love to see a social share shortcode/builder element like you have on the blog page beside the featured image, where it allows users to share the current url on their social media networks, would love to be able to add those icons w/ click events share windows to anywhere on the site.  Thx, guys keep on rockin' this theme!
  • I would love to be able to add more than 2 custom fonts. If you want to use a whole font family it's very limiting.
  • I would have liked to see another way of implementing Content block...
    It's easier to be described by an image...

  • edited November 2015
    ok then..
    Options for showing full blogpost content in bloglist instead of (unstyled) excerpts would be nice.
    + option to remove a-link from it pointing to the singlepostpage - this can be made manually but nevertheless.

  • Buddypress please :(
  • make it faster... -.- no point of the whole thing. if its so slow
    • Demo football team
    • One topbar small with widgets.
  • Subheader checkbox to hide the h1 in subheader
  • Replace Sharethis or option to remove it completely. It shouldn't be to a premium theme.
  • improve dropdown menu for microsoft surface (IE). The Dropdown in second selection doesn't work.
  • I'd find it *extremely* helpful if the demo layouts you show on the ThemeForest page were put in alphabetical order.
  • 1) Please check "Dark" class on Microsoft edge and chrome, it doesn't not work.
    2) Any path(link or image) in muffin builder doesn't get changed when we change path in sql. Suppose we work on localhost and change path for live site after completing website then it remain same so we have to change one by one within the admin panel.
    3) Can you please add few other mobile menu options.
  • @tateyah Are you referring to the absolute paths in the betheme options and muffin builder image upload fields?

    If so, I have posted a fix that can be added to your child theme here ->

    Once added to your child theme, any future use of the upload fields return relative urls perfect for migrating the site and also reduces the amount of characters stored in the database.

    Of course, this does not provide any means for updating already set upload fields that already have absolute paths stored in them, see the muffin migration 3.0 tool for that please.
  • Love the theme and it's already quite good in terms of speed and optimization. How ever there is always more space for improvement of course ;)

    My suggestion would be:

    Please decrease the scripts and css request. I know you're theme has a lot of functions but there is an relatively easy fix I think. Just as with the static css it should be possible to select the functions you wanna use within your website. 

    For example, I don't wanna use accordions on my site or specific page's. It would be great to disable loading accordion.min.js etc. That way deregistering scripts/css isn't such a hassle :)

    Only for the more advanced users maybe :)

    Thnx again for the nice theme!
  • Also reading a lot of proposals for additional Woo-commerce styling. Can't agree more, it definitely could use some quality attention of the team :)

  • In future updates would be great to have a Be|Magic demo :) You might know if it is in process?
  • Would love to see more Sports related Demos, Massage and Gym type stuff.  Great job though.  Keep it up.
  • Can you please few things with the theme?
    1) Please add a drop down cart within the woocommerce like
    2) Please add wishlist within the woocommerce
    3) Also a My Account Page where we can manage wishlist, orders, account etc.

  • I am requesting something very basic here. Will be great if different pages can be assigned different header images.. I am not sure if the theme is already supporting such or not. The theme supports different sub-header images, but the main header image remains the same on all the pages.
  • @rahulrungta Use "Featured image" option which is on the right hand side while you edit/create pages. This option is responsible for different header backgrounds per different pages.
  • 1. Is that possible to add function, which can switch the visibility of muffin builder content?
    Sometimes I must delete the content,s and I must add it again later.

  • @brandingo Under Theme options > Global > Advanced section we have an option to disable Muffin Builder visibility.
  • Demo: hairdressing salon
  • - I would be a newsletter plug-in and another features:

    - More hoover effect to modules.
    Example i like the hoover effect in BeHotel theme (first three image under the lead) but i would like to use in another template.

    - Visual CSS editor like yellow pencil plugin.

    Woocommerce modules, example categories image some fancy hoover effects (not category slider)

    Thank you very much!

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