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- studioboz
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Will be nice if not charge all bootstrap dependencies and use more PostCSS and SASS for admin theme customizations.
I thing to update to new era, betheme team need think in this features and corrections: * Reduce CSS not used loaded; * Use PostCSS or libSass to load Customized CSS inside CSS not inside <style> tag; * Add solution like Superfly to menus or …
Muffing Editor need integration with WooCommerce to add block of products like Gallery in some theme, this will be helpfull.
More performance with CSS and Js to using conditional tags according page or content type and use sass or something that when we use dinymic layout and colors. Integrate better bootstrap CSS because when we read the source code it's like a junk all …
Integration with YOAST will be great for SEO content and hide WordPress Content at Options Theme help users do not mistakes when try edit content.
It be nice if we have more shopping options for themes and products layouts.
Carousel options will be help us, today I can set height, width, columns nothing.
Another slider plugin like http://smartslider3.com/
@muffingroup it really help if we can add an fullwidth banner without revolution slider (single banner).
* External translation using transifex.com; * PHP files ending without ?> this unnecessary and help prevent PHP bugs; * Add plugins and demo content data to external address (like dropbox or something like that) to reduce theme size; * Load fo…
@muffingroup the translation is updated at my dropbox link. I will try update 3 in 3 months to Portuguese.
@muffingroup I update translation to portuguese Brazil files at my Dropbox, you can update next pack. Why you don't use this site to help with translation: http://wp-translations.org/developers-wp-translations/ More people can help with translati…
Or just unset the Minimalist option, because the Minimalist option remove the background and paddings, accord info: Header without background image & padding
And I update the portuguese Brazil update at my dropbox it's 100% done, if you wanna use will help at next to translate new strings.
Resolve, the Translate option at Theme Options I not see that and know I disabled and done.
My wplang has pt_BR defined at wp-config.php and I copy all this folder and add my pt_BR translation, but translated only Admin stuff not the frontend site.
I translated to most recent betheme to Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) files, and share on my dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6dp6gabccso14ym/AAC8_uXaLSHRnfc68tyZEfRsa?dl=0 , but at last moment I don't know how to get this translation to work . I'm …