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Where can I find my purchase code?Comments
Thanks, Albert I will give it a try
So, to try and clarify, here's a screenshot of the bottom section - testimonials in iPad Mini resolution, if I could only get these sections to be full width... https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/482/9RYYAV9TODHX.png
Hello, This issue has been something I've been working on for a while and Phil helped me fix it on the desktop, this fix helped most of the media sizes, here is the CSS /*Betheme support fix*/ body.layout-boxed .vc_row[data-vc-stretch-content=&quo…
Hmmm, I am not able to find that .vc_custom, I wanted to hide the secondary custom menu I created on mobile. I set the row visibilty to hide on device with no offset. The space that is create is the exact size of the hidden row and is causing the g…
Ok thanks, I must have put some CSS in because in an earlier version of WPbakery the margin_top of that revolution slider section was pushed under the logo section. WPBakery recently released an update and I've noticed several things have changed on…
Thanks Phil Great, that was it... thank you once again!
Hello, I may have found a clue in the ROW control that was not affecting my pages before the update, "Stretched row may not work properly if parent conatiner has "overflow hidden" CSS property" I don't know if I have set this by…
Thanks, Will send the info today. Phill
Is there a control for he speed of the transition of testimonials? I thought I could control it in BeTheme Theme options under slider but It didn't change.
If I adjusted the timing 50 seconds in Theme ops would the testimonial slider change when opening a different page or would it just start at the beginning each time?
Hi Phil, It's all working now - It was really just my cursor not selecting the exact spot... seems very sensitive if not aligned properly. https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/249/15KZSUD6VKDV.jpg https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploa…
Is there a way to make force the Z-index of Mobile header to always be on top? When I am making adjustment to Margin or padding my sliders always have a higher Z-index and wind up on top of the Mobile header. OR where can I set the slider Z-index so…
Never mind, I was able to get it working by switching the position of the Logo to the left, now my primary menu is functioning when clicking on the + signs.
Yes... all good, thank you for your help... you have saved my neck several times!!
Thanks! Phil worked great... just needed to delete some of my older attempts at the triangle markers, I had leftovers in my CSS -
Hi Phil Thanks, OK, I thought about that on the way home last night, I had already defined those blocks with another CSS class so I could control the line height Can I just include the line height adjustment along with the .triangleMarkers class?
The CSS for triangle Bullet points works great, unfortunately it is invading some of my other pages where I don't want them on a WPFoms page. Is there any way to specify ul /li to only the pages where I need them? https://forum.muffingroup.com/bet…
Thanks Phil
I solved my Mobile/Desktop problem - as soon as I removed @media (max-width: 767px){ .vc_row-has-fill>.vc_column_container>.vc_column-inner { padding-top: 0px; } Desktop and Mobile were correct, sorry I was not able to find the last discuss…
Great! I joined...but my question about that top margin in Mobile has bounced back to you ? I've also contacted the WPBakery support about it and the snippet of CSS they sent me wipes out my custom sub menu... I'll keep asking them to check, its so …
Awesome! I will check it out today! thanks a million!
One last question - Is there anyway to display the slider in Responsive Mode? BeBuilder does display the WPForms that are input as short code. https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/124/F4VRXE9UEU1P.jpg Am I putting these elements in corr…
I've updated BeBuilder to the latest version 26.6.2, but I still don't know how to tell if I'm using Blocks or Live, I'm using the generate preview to view my page as I make changes. https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/965/STWE5DEH8JPL.jpg…
OK, I have 2 sites - Advantage Title and Advantage Foreclosure I know I have two licenses, but I must have NOT activated it for the second site.. I will check this out today. Thank you for all your help Phil, you've really been a life saver here.
Hi Phil I think it's BeBuilder Blocks - Be V26.5.1.4 Thanks, I will check these fixes out asap! I didn't get a support email notification this time, I'll have to check my email settings!
The Mobile version looks perfect... https://advantageforeclosurewp.wpcomstaging.com/bebuilder-15016/ I'm also seeing some odd refresh problems when working in the BeBuilder editor - it doesn't seem to show me the page correctly in the editor but wh…
Thanks Phil YOU RULE!!!
Sorry, I forgot to add one https://advantagetitlewp.wpcomstaging.com/ The Testimonials are on the bottom of most pages on this site, I explained to my supervisors that the Testimonials tool has a pre-defined format, but they don't care, they are jus…
ooopss..... I realised that I should have included the link on the way home from the office too... https://advantagetitlewp.wpcomstaging.com/acris-2/ Also, I'm using FIXED mode in the BeTheme Theme options, but now I'm being asked if it is possible…
Digging deeper into the CSS world, I'm trying to adjust indents on forms, I hope this isn't beyond the scope of support but you have taught me so much about using Chrome Inspect it has opened up a whole new world for me. I've been able to make some …